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Special Needs & Disability (SEND) Schools across the UK

The principal aim of Aurora Ivy Lane School is to enable each student to develop independence through learning in school and a community environment that offers warmth, security and consistency. A purposeful and calm atmosphere will be encouraged through the professional approach adopted by all staff. Trust and a positive rapport between the students we support and the staff underpin the ethos of the school.

Positive behaviour support (PBS) is the framework we use for everything we do. It is values driven, evidence-based and practical. Focusing on student's rights provides the ethical compass which guides our approach. We understand that behaviours that challenge arise from an interaction between a student's needs and the environment and strive to provide a school environment which maximises learning. Holistic assessment enables high quality personalised support to achieve learning outcomes for students which are meaningful to them. PBS is a compassionate approach to supporting students to have a good quality of life and in doing so, minimises the risk of behaviours that challenge.