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Careers Programme

Aurora Woodlands School's comprehensive careers programmes help schools to meet statutory requirements and Gatsby Benchmarks, giving students the knowledge and competitive edge needed to achieve the best possible career outcomes.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

A stable career programme

The school has maintained 47% of BM1, the same as November 2021 when previously undertaken. 27% of schools nationally are meeting this benchmark.  

Learning from career and labour market information

The school has maintained 80% of BM2, the same as in November 2021. 52% of schools nationally are meeting this benchmark.   

Addressing the needs of each student

School has seen an increase to 90% of BM3, compared to 63% previously. This was impacted by Covid. 25% of schools nationally are meeting this benchmark. 

Linking curriculum learning to careers

The school has met 100% of BM5 and seen an increase from 75% previously. 45% of schools are nationally meeting the benchmark.  

Encounters with employers and employees

The school has met 75% of BM4, compared to 0% previously. This was linked to the pandemic and was representative of the time the benchmarking exercise took place. 58% of schools are nationally meeting this benchmark.

Experiences of workplaces

School has met 50% of this BM, compared to 62% previously. This is still the impact of the pandemic and is expected to increase when benchmarking is undertaken again in half term 6 and the beginning of academic year 2022-2023. 52% of schools are nationally meeting this benchmark. 

Encounters with further and higher education

School has met 66% of BM7, compared to 41% previously. 30% of schools are nationally meeting this benchmark.   

Personal guidance

School has met 100% of BM8, compared to 62% previously. 61% of schools are nationally meeting this benchmark.