Community and Employment
Our Local Community and Employers
Having a supportive local community is very important to the Careers Education that Boveridge College provides.
By working with local employers we are able to develop our school calendar of activities each year. Through sharing career experiences and by gaining insight into different industries our students are able to gain invaluable work-related skills and knowledge.
Do you work in a local business that could help to provide work experience or opportunities for our students?
We are always seeking support from local businesses who wish to inspire and educate our students about their futures and develop our careers programme. If you are an employer and are curious about how you can get involved, we would love to hear from you. We invite employers to join us in supporting our students through a variety of ways such as work experience, presentations, visits, assemblies and workshops. If you feel this is something, you could assist with please contact
Some of the Employers we have worked with this year are:
- Velcourt Farm Management
- Wardrobe Foundation
- Vetsmiths
- Pant a lot dog walking services
- The Rifles Berkshire and Wiltshire Museum
- Microsoft
- Scamps Day Nurseries
- Wimborne Coffee Roasters
- Aunt Fanny’s Farm Shop and Café
- Forest Pet Supplies
- Reptiles Plus
- Chalke and Chase
- Verwood Butchers
- Dorset County Hospital
- Lulworth Lodge Hotel
- Allenbourn Middle School
- Gleam Pro