Our Curriculum
At Aurora Redehall, we believe that one size does not fit all – the curriculum fits around the child, not the other way around! We offer each pupil a tailored curriculum based on their baseline assessment, previous academic outcomes and long-term learning targets.
We take a ‘multi-agency’ approach to curriculum design, with pupils encouraged to make choices about their own programmes, alongside input from their families and outside professionals. Our curriculum design incorporates three elements:
Core – an academic programme based on an appropriate framework, such as the National Curriculum, P-Steps, or more functional skills. Tasks and activities are planned on an individual basis to ensure they are meaningful, relevant and achievable.
Support – therapeutic elements to nurture the development of the ‘whole person’ and to ensure that children are ready to learn. Led by our Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), Occupational Therapist (OT), Clinical Psychologist and ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), delivery of the support curriculum is integrated into the classroom.
Extension – activities designed to stretch and challenge each pupil, as soon as they are safe and secure in their learning. Extension activities include small-group or 1:1 study, field trips, enterprise and vocational tasters.