4 September
Foxes featured on tes website

Over the years Foxes Academy has transformed many lives through hospitality and catering training for young people with learning disabilities, leading to sustainable employment. Now in the face of COVID-19 the Hotel, formerly open to the public, has had to close. But this isn’t the end of the Foxes story. The staff and students are adapting to new ways of working as the situation evolves.
What are the top challenges and how have we overcome them during the Covid-19 crisis?
- Keeping up with the Government’s fast moving agenda.
- Managing change for young people with learning disabilities.
- Delivering student education remotely.
- Replicating vocational training.
- Fear of the unknown.
Tes Further Education News published a feature about Foxes’ story. It is one of growth and resilience, even during the most difficult of times. If you would like to read about it, then please follow the link.